
When Can I Register For Fall Semester Midlands Tech


ESSER 3 Public Input Survey

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into police force. The Us Section of Pedagogy is providing an additional $121.ix billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III Fund). This legislation will award these grants to state educational agencies (SEAs) for the purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs) with emergency relief funds to address the touch that COVID-19 has had, and continues to take, on simple and secondary schools across the nation.

Southward Carolina will receive $two,112,051,487 in ESSER 3 funds from the Act, of which xc percentage will flow through to school districts with amounts adamant in proportion to the amount of Title I, Part A funds they received in Summer 2020 from funds under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The remaining funds volition be used for state-level activities to address issues acquired by COVID-19. ESSER Three funds also include some additional requirements on the part of the LEAs and the SEAs, please run into below for more detailed data.

Equally office of a two-stage process to receive ESSER III funds, districts must draft a "Safe Return to In-Person Instructional and Continuity of Services Program" for the 2021-2022 school yr and seek input on this programme from all stakeholders. The 2nd stage of the process includes seeking input on a plan to use ESSER Iii funds over the next few years.

The South Carolina Public Charter School District (SCPCSD) has compiled plans from each schoolhouse and asks that you review the "Safety Return to In-Person Instructional and Continuity of Services Programme" for each school past clicking on the link beneath. Later reviewing the plan(southward), please share feedback by completing the survey below. The survey will help inform the final "Safe Return to In-Person Instructional and Continuity of Services Plan."

Return to In-Person Plans past Schools (excel file)

Return to In-Person Program Feedback Form

The SCPCSD has developed this website to provide data, guidance, and resources to school commune personnel and stakeholders with respect to ESSER Iii funds under the ARP Act. It will be updated as often every bit new information, guidance, and resource becomes available. Please annotation that ESSER 3 funds are entirely separate from ESSER I and ESSER II funds issued through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economical Security (CARES) Human action and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) respectively.

Announcements June 4, 2021

These are your Concluding announcements for the 2020-2021 school twelvemonth. We hope you all have a wonderful summer! To our graduates: nosotros wish you the very best in all your future endeavors. To our returning students: we look forrard to seeing you lot back in the autumn. School starts August 11!

Graduation Reminders
Graduates, exist certain toarrive past 3:00 today. If you lot however oasis't removed your gown from the original bundle, delight do so and give information technology a quick fe to remove the creases. Refer to the email on May 6 with all the details for today's anniversary.

Chromebook Returns
If you lot all the same have a school chromebook or charger at home, delight render information technology by side by side Wednesday, June nine. Missing chromebooks will result in a accuse of $260 and missing cables volition exist charged $30.

Plans for Fall 2021
Throughout the summer, MMC staff volition be developing plans for next year. At this time, it appears MMC will offer full-time, contiguous education. There will be no hybrid model, and only supplemental virtual options. Returning students and families will receive more than information equally we get closer to the beginning of the new schoolhouse yr.

Returning students are automatically re-enrolled. If you lot have decided to transfer to some other school, please contact the office to consummate the withdrawal process.

Nosotros have enough of spaces remaining for the fall. Please consider referring your friends and family members who could benefit from the opportunities at MMC!

Summer Hours
Offset June seven, the MMC office will exist open Mon through Th, nine:00 to 4:00. The school will be closed on Fridays.

Announcements May 21, 2021

Masks for Graduation Ceremony
Per the CDC, fully vaccinated individuals are no longer required to wear a face covering. The Columbia Metropolitan Convention Centre continues tostrongly advise individuals who are not fully vaccinated to follow the guidelines prepare forth by the CDC which include wearing a face up covering/mask. Temperature checks will not be required at the door. Social distancing WILL nonetheless exist maintained for our ceremony.

Enrollment at Midlands Tech
Graduating seniors – are y'all interested in attending Midlands Tech in the fall? An admissions counselor from MTC will be here next Friday, May 28, at 11:00 to respond any questions you might have and assistance you lot get started with enrollment. See Mr. Whatley to sign upward.

Textbook Return
Dual-enrollment students, please return your textbooks to Mr. Whatley as shortly every bit possible. Thanks!

Announcements May 14, 2021

Update on Face Masks
The SC Department of Education has removed the requirement for students and staff to clothing face coverings. The SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is even so STRONGLY RECOMMENDING their use, specially by anyone who has non been fully vaccinated.

From this point forward, MMC will not enforce the wearing of masks in our classrooms and our expanse of Congaree Hall. Everyone Will be required to wear a face covering if visiting whatever other function of the Midlands Tech campus.
You may accept seen the governor's announcement Tuesday evening, which mentioned that parents could sign a waiver for their child to non wear a mask. This new argument from the Department of Education makes the waiver unnecessary.

MMC volition continue to keep social distancing practices in place. Anyone who has not been fully vaccinated is still strongly encouraged to habiliment a face up roofing.

Masks for Graduation Ceremony
We are in communication with the Convention Center regarding their mask policy. At this time, they are still enforcing the mask requirement, merely that MAY change prior to June iv. If so, we will communicate that to all graduates. Unless a modify is announced, each graduate and guest should exist prepared to bring their own mask to the anniversary.

Semi-Formal Tickets
Tickets are on sale NOW for our Stop-of-Twelvemonth Semi-Formal, to be held Fri, May 21. More details about the event tin can be found here. Let's celebrate the end of this very memorable year!

Graduation Ticket Pickup
Tickets for the graduation anniversary may be picked up beginning Mon, May 17. The graduate MUST complete the Graduate Info Form PRIOR to picking up tickets. This is information the state requires public schools to collect and report about our graduates' plans for life after high schoolhouse. We will verify the form has been completed before handing out tickets.

Chromebook/Charger Return
If yous checked out a chromebook for use at home, you may brainstorm returning those now. All devices should exist returned by Friday, May 28. Missing chromebooks will event in a accuse of $260 and missing cables will be charged $30. If you are unable to encounter the return deadline, delight speak with an administrator about an extension.

Announcements April 30, 2021

Hi MMC Students and Parents! Beneath are your announcements for the week:

Cease-of-Twelvemonth Semi-Formal
We are thrilled to announce that MMC will host an end-of-twelvemonth semi-formal celebration on Fri, May 21, from 6:00 to ten:00 p.m. at the Phillips Market Center in Westward Columbia. DJ Ronny Lane volition provide music for a fun evening of dancing!

Tickets will get on auction side by side Wednesday for $35 each. Please see this document for full details on the effect, including guests, attire, beliefs, safety protocols, etc.

Parents, if you lot would like to help support this consequence, please consider making a monetary donation to go towards the buy of decorations and food. Checks should exist made payable to Midlands Middle College with the memo line "semi-formal 2021". Thank you in advance for your support in giving our students this opportunity.

Examination Schedule
We take made a few small adjustments to our final exam schedule for the bound semester. Below are the new dates:

End-of-Course Exams:
The states History and English 2 courses through Virtual SC
Tuesday, May 11 @ 9:00 a.m.

US History and Biology courses at MMC
Thursday, May 27 @ 9:00 a.m.
Makeup date: Friday, May 28 @ 9:00 a.m.

Senior Exams:
"A-24-hour interval" courses – Wednesday, May 26
"B-Solar day" courses – Thursday, May 27

Junior Exams:
"A-24-hour interval" courses – Wednesday, June 2
"B-Day" courses – Th, June 3

Any student may exempt the final exam if he/she has a last course average of 80 or in a higher place. Graduating seniors are exempt from each MMC spring semester examination with a passing class in the course. Exemptions practice not apply to MTC, VirtualSC or EOC courses. Any student with an exemption may choose to accept the exam to earn a higher course grade.

Federal Programs Planning Coming together
As a public charter school, Midlands Center College (MMC) receives funding from diverse public sources. Each year, the school holds a planning coming together to identify and prioritize needs, develop activities and strategies to meet those needs, and determine the appropriate sources to fund each activity. All stakeholders – students, parents, teachers, staff, lath and community members – are invited to participate in this planning process. This year's meeting volition exist held Friday, May 7. Please meet this alphabetic character for details if you lot are interested in participating.

Announcements April 25, 2021

Learning Models: New Legislation & Plans for Next Yr
You may accept seen in the news this week that Senate Neb S. 704 was passed by our country legislature and was signed into police by the governor. This legislation requires that schools offer five-day, face-to-confront instruction on or before April 26, 2021. This does not limit the flexibility for schools to provide other modes of education. MMC has offered an everyday option to our students since the beginning of the schoolhouse year, so this new legislation DOES NOT change our current learning models for the remainder of the year.

As nosotros look ahead to the 2021-2022 schoolhouse yr, MMC volition continue to offering an everyday learning option for students. Our hybrid (A/B) model is under consideration and must be approved by our district's board to exist connected. Nosotros will update our families as decisions are made regarding the hybrid model.

For 2021-2022, MMC will no longer offering a fully-virtual model. All students volition be expected to come on campus for some or all of their classes. We will continue to supplement our in-person instruction with virtual courses for students who need or want that option. For students who are currently in our fully-virtual model, we will piece of work with each of y'all individually to discuss your decision for next school year.

Dual-enrollment courses through Midlands Tech will be shifting toward more in-person instruction. Even so, some online options will withal be available next yr. Please contact Mr. Whatley with any questions related to dual-enrollment courses.

We have worked diligently this year to provide consistency to our students in offering all iii learning models – virtual, hybrid, and everyday. Nosotros understand that preparing for change and whatsoever uncertainty most side by side year may be difficult. Nosotros welcome your feedback equally nosotros are making plans, and we pledge to provide you with equally much information and advance observe every bit possible. Delight attain out to Mrs. Girolamo with any questions or concerns about learning models.

Summer Courses
MMC will offering courses this summertime through VirtualSC. Registration begins May 26. Please speak with a counselor or ambassador to talk over form selections before registering.

Sabbatum Testing
Reminder: The Saturday is scheduled for this Tuesday, Apr 27. If you lot (or your student) signed up for this exam, y'all should have received an electronic mail containing all the details regarding the preregistration session, times, etc. Delight contact Dr. Lee with any questions.

Announcements April sixteen, 2021

Free Application to MTC
Attending Seniors! Midlands Technical Higher wants to aid you reach your educational and career goals. They are waiving the awarding fee during MTC Application Week – April 19th – Apr 23rd. See this flyer for more information.

Graduation Tickets
Good news! We notwithstanding have tickets available for our graduation anniversary on June 4. Additional tickets may be purchased for $10 each in the front office until they run out! Please notation: our credit bill of fare reader is currently not working, so we tin simply take cash or cheque at this fourth dimension. Thank you for your understanding.

Prom Possibility
We are exploring the possibility of hosting a prom this year. We have found a facility and need to know if there is enough student interest to get ahead with the planning. All students received an email yesterday with a link to a brief survey to indicate interest. If we move frontward, the prom will be held Sat, May 22, from half-dozen:00 to 10:00 PM. Tickets will be $35 each, and students will be permitted to bring one guest. Parents, please encourage your student to complete the survey by Monday so we can decide whether to move forward with the event.

Statewide Parent Survey
Each year, the Southward Carolina Section of Didactics conducts a survey to give parents a voice in our public education arrangement. Please take a moment to read this letter of the alphabet from State Superintendent of Educational activity Molly Spearman, and so click here to consummate the survey. Please consummate the survey by May 17th. We promise your feedback volition help spotlight the work we practice hither with your students everyday!

Kid'southward Day of Lexington
Midlands Middle College will participate in Kid'south Solar day of Lexington side by side Saturday, Apr 24, from 10am to 2pm, at Virginia Hylton Park (111 Maiden Lane, Lexington). This is a Gratis event where the mission is to "create a better community by educating and caring for families with love, honesty and laughter." We are seeking a few MMC students to represent our school and talk with potential future students about their experience here. If interested, delight speak to Mrs. Girolamo or Mrs. Lee. Anybody is encouraged to attend!

Time Capsule
To commemorate the historic schoolhouse year of 20-21 and to honor the endurance and perseverance that our students have had to undergo due to COVID, the Leadership Grade is piloting MMC's commencement fourth dimension capsule! Each item placed in the capsule costs $i.00. Coin is due no later than Tuesday, April 27th. Items demand to be brought by the following day, Wednesday, April 28th; when nosotros will coffin it. Students tin bring coin to Mrs. Knight.

Announcements March 26, 2021

COVID Vaccine for Students
Today, Governor Henry McMaster announced that COVID vaccine eligibility in South Carolina volition open to anybody aged 16 and older starting Midweek, March 31. At this fourth dimension, we have not received any guidance on when, or if, the vaccine may exist required for high school students. Still, yous may choose to visit the SC DHEC website to schedule an date.

Graduation Portfolio
This calendar week, we rolled out our schoolhouse-wide project for students to create a graduation portfolio. Parents, be sure to watch the introductory video and encourage your educatee'southward participation. The graduation honors indicated here are open to EVERYONE – including our fully virtual and dual-enrollment students. Nosotros await forward to seeing the final products they will accept with them when they leave us.

Graduation Ticket Reminder
Side by side Thursday, April one, is the initial borderline to club graduation tickets. Your order form and payment must be submitted by the deadline to guarantee tickets. Printed order forms are available in the office. At this time, each graduate may request up to SIX tickets to the ceremony. After April one, boosted tickets may get available and will be offered first come, first served.

Cap & Gown Pickup
The showtime shipment of cap and gown orders have arrived. If you are on campus anyway, please terminate by the office to see if yours is prepare for pickup. Our fully virtual students may wish to phone call commencement (803-822-7043) to verify we accept yours before you stop by.

Spring Break
MMC volition be airtight Fri, April 2, through Friday, April ix, for Leap Interruption. There volition exist no in-person or eLearning lessons for MMC classes. Please note this does NOT apply to dual-enrollment courses through Midlands Tech or virtual courses through VirtualSC – those classes will continue to run across!

Army National Guard Hiring Consequence
Our National Guard recruiter, SSG Daniel Smoak, has asked u.s. to share with you an upcoming hiring consequence. On Sabbatum, May 22, anyone between the ages of 17 and 34 is invited to learn virtually careers with the National Baby-sit, including some on-the-spot job offers. Please see this flyer for more details.

Also, if you attended the National Guard safe driving event this week and signed up for the raffle, you accept a prize waiting for you lot. Come by the office to merits it!

Announcements March nineteen, 2021

WIN Cess Make-up
Due to the weather concern yesterday, the make-upwardly session for the WIN Cess has been moved to Tuesday, March 23. Students who are eligible for this session have been contacted via email. Delight contact Dr. Lee with whatever questions.

Refer a Friend!
Enrollment at MMC is at present open for the 2021-2022 schoolhouse year. We encourage you to follow our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter), share our posts, and encourage your friends to utilize. Anyone who refers a student who actually enrolls will receive a $20 gift bill of fare to a local eatery!

Friday PLT Reminder
Please think that Friday IS a school mean solar day. Students are expected to attend each class unless they take zilch unexcused absences, tardies, or missing assignments. Students will exist marked absent-minded if they are expected to attend on Friday and are not nowadays in each class. Be sure to bank check in with your counselor at 11:00 each Friday to develop a plan for the twenty-four hour period.

Announcements March 12, 2021

No School Monday, March 15
March 15 was scheduled to be our showtime weather make-upwardly twenty-four hour period. We have not had to close schoolhouse due to astringent weather this year, and then Monday now becomes a holiday for students and staff. There will be no in-person classes or E-Learning assignments.

Tickets for Graduation
Update! We are working with our graduation venue – the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Heart – on the latest safety guidelines and the maximum capacity for guests. At this time, our graduates may order upwards to SIX tickets to the ceremony. This order course and payment are due April 1 to guarantee tickets. Printed order forms are available in the office.

Dual-Enrollment Form Registration
Registration for higher courses through Midlands Tech will open next calendar week. Current Juniors – if you are interested in earning higher credits while you are still in loftier school, please speak with Mr. Whatley to begin the process. The sooner you register, the more choices you volition have in creating the schedule you want! Graduating Seniors – if you plan to attend MTC in the fall, schedule your advising session as presently as possible!

Amazon Grinning
Did y'all know your Amazon purchases could benefit MMC, at no cost to you? Annals for Amazon Grin and all those porch deliveries could turn into dollars for our schoolhouse. Delight consider signing up today!

When Can I Register For Fall Semester Midlands Tech,


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